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XX Machinery Co., Ltd

Contact: Manager Li 13,500,000,000

Tel: 0371-14234567

Fax: 0371-14234567

Email: ceshi@163.com

Address: Yiqiao Metal Material Market, Yimou District, Yimou City

Quick Coupler
Quick Coupler
Quick Coupler
Quick Coupler
Product Introduction:

XX Machinery, relying on Taimeng, has laid a solid foundation in technology, equipment, personnel and management since the beginning of its business. The company's products include hydraulic breaking hammer, pulverizing pliers, hydraulic shear, hydraulic ram, quick connector, high-frequency breaking hammer, hydraulic grab and other hydraulic front-end accessories and all types of breaking hammer accessories. To provide customers with various prices, different functions of high-quality hydraulic accessories.

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